Yes (or, Mike’s Apotheosis)
After so many pages where the dominant facial expressions have been anger, frustration, irritability, fear, and sadness, I’ll wager you were beginning to wonder if I could draw any more complex emotions, like Rucker’s expression of awe, relief, and happiness. And it was very hard to do, actually, I don’t mind admitting. But in the end, I managed to find a great reference to use as a starting point, and it was, if you can believe it, a still from The Big Lebowski. You can get help from the strangest places, sometimes.
What does Rucker see? Oh, well, we’ll just have to wait and see.
Ain’t I a stinker? But while you’re waiting, you might just pop over to and vote for 6-Commando. I’ve put up the last two-page spread for your edification, and the two pages work together really nicely… next best thing to reading the book. I’ll get to that in a moment.
Really though, this week of all weeks I wish I could be posting more than one page. Because the next two are already well underway and they are a real doozy, the pair of them. They’re the ones you’ll either love or hate, believe me. But I’m sticking to my storyline and plowing ahead. You stuck around for the now-infamous White Page, so. Still, this is kind of like cooking, and I never apologize for anything that happens in the kitchen.
Now then, to all the winners of 6-Commando Poker, I can say that those of you who sent me mailing addresses have prizes on the way. In the United States, you should have them in about a week. Overseas, you should have them in about two and a half. One of you specifically declined your prizes, and so I have complied, and held it in abeyance – if you change your mind, of course, I’ll be happy to send it along anyway. And finally, one of you failed to send me an address, so, likewise, I’ll hold it in trust for you until I know where to send it.
And as for that, I decided in the end to send ALL of you free sketches, not just a few, and actually, though I spent the week dreading the task of doing them all, in the end it was a lot of fun, and I kind of got on a roll. I hope you like ’em!
Soooo… we’re now hurtling towards the end of Chapter 3. It’s been a long chapter, and there’s some bit left to go yet, but at the end of it is when I had planned to take a breather and try to get the book ready for print. Unfortunately, due to a number of considerations, not the least of which is just the simple fact of having a job to go to every day that isn’t comics, like, at ALL, I’m behind where I’d wanted to be by this point for editing the first bit of the book for print. And that’s a major concern to me at this stage, because I need to iron out my set of deadlines for turnaround when I go to print, if I’m planning to do it this year. And an increasing part of me is in the mode of just being like the hell with it and moving on to Chapter 4 straight away. Another part of me is thinking of a far less grand overhaul of the artwork, too, with a print-on-demand paperback, just for the sake of getting the book out faster, in time for summer conventions, with minimal disruption to the online updates. That part is particularly concerned about being able to raise enough capital for the whole scheme, and the logistics of having so much product hanging around, and where to put it, and will people really buy it or will I be saddled with a load of books I can’t move, and so forth… But still, the dominant part of my mind when I think of this, is that if I release this, it ought to really be the absolute best I can make it, and that is what I have to keep telling myself every time I sit down to plan out my week’s work. Maybe I’ll miss NYCC this year and have to bring it out online, over the winter, or something. That would be a bummer, but not an insurmountable bummer. And in the end, maybe I’m selling myself short, and everything will go just smashingly. ‘Cause that could happen, too.
So all this is by way of saying that I’m getting the jitters about all this now that the time to actually get this thing done is coming upon me, but I’m doing my damnedest to get through it and make it work. Even though Chapter 4 is much more action-packed, with combat technology, battle scenes, robots, powered armor, tanks, and none of this silly “emotional character development” nonsense. Okay, maybe a LITTLE, but still.
My goals: minimally, a 5″ x 8″ print-on-demand trade paperback. I don’t want to do it this way but I’m not going to rule it out. Better, is a pro-printed, perfect-bound, matte-cover paperback, at full 6-5/8″ x 10 1/4″ size; bigger, cleaner, full color. And if I can get it done, if I think it’ll sell, if I can really make it, a deluxe, cloth-bound, dustjacketed, full-size hardcover. That would be sweet.
So, there it is. If I had to take the spring and summer off to produce that, I hope you’d forgive me for it. And I hope you’d buy one. This is really the kind of thing I guess every artist at this stage has gone through when they went to print their first book. It’s not easy, let me tell you.
In any event, that’s been my week. And until the next one, I’ll just keep on moving ahead. All the best, folks.
I really like the oxygen tank he’s carrying for some reason. I don’t know why, but I find it hilarious with all the other medical junk she was probably hooked up to, he rigged the Oxygen tank with a sling and hauled it around.
Also, is that a tear coming out of his eye? *eyes well up with tears*
Rumblergeist, eh? ;D
To be honest I don’t know why the O2 tank appeared. It just kind of happened.
Yes! That was the right word. Is that transitive or intransitive I wonder. That is, is the apotheosis happening to Mike or Tom, in Mike’s presence? I’m sure I’m describing this construction with the wrong words… Any grammarians care to correct me?
Mike evolving into a higher being has been one of my theories.
The other one was loosley based on Sarah’s flashback. Remember my question about the source of Mike’s bio-component? From the events in the flashback I did consider that Mike might be the reincarnation of Sarah’s father (with parts of his DNA harvested for the creation of protein wetware) who probably died when she was a child. That could explain why he went all ahead full into the fray to save her.
Now did Mike turn into a demi-godlike being? I guess we’ll soon find out…
>>> And if I can get it done, if I think it’ll sell, if I can really make it, a deluxe, cloth-bound, dustjacketed, full-size hardcover. That would be sweet.
Sign me up for one of these!
One down, two thousand four hundred ninety-nine to go!
You might want to consider using something like Kickstarter to raise the capital to get teh book done. I for one would be willing to donate to that. If you haven’t seen it, check out the Kickstarter drive for The Order of the Stick for some serious lessons on how to get the most out of your fans, although I’m sure you’re not looking at something quite that scale…
Also, I’ve been meaning to comment in general on the comic – I’m quite impressed with everything you’ve done, and the fact that you started out with OGRE as your conceptual basis but took it in a totally different direction is quite awesome! Keep it up, and I’m seriously intrigued as to how Mike is going to save Sarah…
You know, I have seen Kickstarter, and some colleagues of mine have done very well with it. But I don’t know but that for some reason it gives me the heebie-jeebs, makes me feel very small and inadequate. I mean 6-Commando is a real niche market, a military sci-fi story in an alternate universe dealing with pacifism and existential sources of consciousness? I mean, that doesn’t have quite the glitz and glamour of so much else out there. I feel very lucky to have found people who are so willing to work for your entertainment by coming back on such a long schedule but I have this weird feeling about a broader audience not being able to find the same appeal in it.
Anyway, yes, I am glad you think so highly of my work, though. It did come from a pretty small start, but this comic is very different now from what I might originally have predicted.
If God did not exist, he would have been invented – Voltaire
Taking “Deus ex Machina” to a new level.
Funnily, enough, it was actually from the game Deus Ex that I got that quote
I have to admit, the twist I did not see coming was Mike=Jesus.
“So, what, you guys don’t believe in Robot Jesus?”
“We believe that he was built, and that he was a very well-designed robot, but he was not our Messiah.”
Still, just watch. You’ll see what’s up.
Futurama for the win.
“Bite my shiny metal ass!” – Now that would have been a perfect response from Mike to Haulley’s request to stand down.
So, I shouldn’t be working on the music and script for Jesus Christ Supertank?
Suggested reference for artists:
That’s a realty good reference! Thanks!
It looks like Rucker just dropped in to see what condition his condition was in.
HAH! He pushed his soul in a deep dark hole, and then he followed it in.
I got my swag from the 6-commando poker game in the mail yesterday and just wanted to say thanks. It’s all very cool stuff!
Aweosme, man. Glad you got it, glad you played! Glad I’m slowly getting to hand this stuff out!
Damn you cliffhangers!
My my that Last Panel is perfect.
do you mind if i cut it out, lower Mikes Yes speech bubble, slap a copy of that little copyright footnote in the bottom left hand corner, a Little link to here as well, and use it on 4chan as a reaction image?
I’m glad you dig it – I’m not totally sure 6-Commando is ready to be a meme just yet, though, if you don’t mind. Of course it’s OUT THERE, now, so there’s nothing really I can do to stop you, but I’d kind of rather not, if you follow me.
Just received the stuff for the 6-commando poker game, sooner than I expected given the traditional inefficiency of french postal services… the pins and the artwork are great, though I don’t know where I’ll put the stickers yet
Merci et bon courage pour la bande dessinée!
I think that’s a record for international post! Only other countries I’ve seen it deliver that fast to are Canada and the Netherlands. Glad you got it, though!