Who Am I
on 29 October, 2017
at 8:50 pm
Chapter: Chapter 7: Fire on the Mountain
Characters: Major Bronniford, Mike-One-Echo
Well, there it is then. I guess that settles the question of whether or not Mike has feelings.
I’m… stretched a little thin at the moment. I have a lot to keep up with, and anyone with a passing familiarity with the comic’s archives will see that this is a pattern common to the way I make a living. I’m working very hard to keep up, however, and am prioritizing the comic, especially given that we’re a mere eight pages from the end of Chapter 7, which I might refer to as a “thrilling conclusion” if I were prone to hyperbole. But nevertheless, I’m just plodding along.
So, until next week, all the best, everyone!
Looks like Sarah’s in a tight spot. 🙁
She’s been through worse. You wonder how much a person can take.
Don’t burn yourself out. Your ‘Artist Kaput’ sketches are fine while you recharge.
Thanks man. I’ll make it.
I don’t see the eyepatch in the last panel. Did she lost it while falling (and from what I recall, breaking a few walls on the way), or is this another flashback?
I think we’ve moved out of the flashback and into the real world. And yes, I think she lost the eyepatch somewhere along the line (after the base was nuked). 🙁
That was the idea. 😉 I always like when people notice the little things.
ha take that ungrateful hag.
Dude, you have GOT to dial it back.
Well I have to say Mike pulled some amazing work curing her nuclear inflicted wounds she has been really mean to the thing that saved her life.
None of which gives him the right to go dundering about in someone else’s brain rewiring things and fiddling with traumas at will. He violated Sarah’s psychological integrity in much the same way a rapist would violate her body- would you say that a Human man who saved her life had gained and retained the right to penetrate her body in the way that Mike, however well-intentioned, has violated her mind? I would certainly hope not. “Corrective rape” is a real thing in parts of Africa, not infrequently culturally excused by saying that being gang-raped out of her lesbianism is for the woman’s own good. Would a man who saved a woman’s life have the right to “rape the gay away,” provided he did so in the belief that he was helping the woman by doing so?
Mike is acting all like “Oh yeah? Well I’ll just stick you back where I found you! Shows you!” Truth is, she was already in that predicament, he was just wasting her time with his rapey voyeur mind games. Now that Mike is out of her head, maybe she can start digging herself out or calling for help. I want to like Mike, but it’s not making that easy.
I think everyone is forgetting that Mike apparently isn’t doing this intentionally. When Haulley asked Mike why he was being made to relive Singapore, Mike was confused and said Haulley was making himself.
…Maybe it’s a programming thing? When Mike does wrong, he analyzes what he thinks is the “cause” in order to not do it again. As part of his healing programs, everyone is being analyzed to see what “went wrong” even though it doesn’t really work like that for humans.
Go look at those scenes again. My impression was that while Mike can’t control *which* memories he accesses, he *does* control the initiation. So why does he keep doing it, instead of just staying out of other people’s heads completely??
Hm, that is an interesting question. Hopefully we find out!