Poor Mike. Mess with people’s memories, and all of a sudden nobody trusts you.
I’m doing much better. Still not back to full capacity, but I can work, and I can draw, and so here’s the next page, why not? The drugs I’m on are pretty amazing, here, although the side effect is that they make me feel just a little bit slower than normal. They’re heavy-duty antibiotics and so they divert a lot of free energy to boosting the immune system, leaving me feeling… pretty okay. Kind of meditative. Quiet. A little on the drowsy side. Even after the course of drugs is over I’m going to be this way for a few weeks after. But prognosis is good – more follow-up, more tests this week, and hopefully a better idea of when my hearing is going to come back. Any time you get a horrible inflamed mass that decides to set up shop a few inches away from your brain, they want to be pretty careful about it. Which is fine by me.
We’re drawing to the end of the chapter here, so get ready for some fun times!
All the best, folks!
I cross my fingers for you!
Get well!!
And this page is abolsutely wonderful. Can’t wait to know the folowing!
Thanks! I’ll get there, man!
I don’t like the drugs, but the drugs like me…
Noone’s in charge.
UNA chain of command is very incompetent replacing commanding officers, eh?
Well, in keeping their on-duty command actual in the loop with their aides de camp.
This happens more often than anyone likes to admit.
That said, though, I do allow things to be a bit more confused than in real life, for dramatic purposes.
Given all the off-script stuff that has been going on there, I think the confusion is entirely understandable.
It is worth noting that when such highly stressful circumstances are wargamed, it often doesn’t take that many extra surprises to make wheels start falling off the whole thing, and that’s in simulation.
They have point defense systems, right? Please tell me they have point-defense systems, and that somebody remembered to turn them on…
Mike better do something. *gulp*
P.S.: I’d have called this one “So. Yes.”
Well, Mike had a laser until it was blown off by the atom bomb. And the base, well… We’ll just have to see!
Good to hear you’re recovering and hopefully will recover your hearing!
Personally I’d want to know where Victor is and who he’ll answer to!
Thanks man. I’m going to be on the mend for a few more weeks yet, but the worst is past and I’m pretty much running at just below normal. Weird not having a sense of hearing in the side of my head, but I’m adjusting. And they do assure me it’s only temporary.