He was asking for it.
Whew. This week was really a whole lot of confusion and stress, on every conceivable level. There’s really nothing to say, except that there’s another one coming right up, so… I mean, what’s there to do but go back to it and do the whole thing over again?
All the best, folks. See you next week!
(the guy, that is, not her)
You wouldn’t like her when she’s angry.
As I see it, one downside is that whatever passes for authority here will now give her heck about “anger management” and. at most, lightly slap him on the wrist for his “joke”.
Nice solid hit, though. Enough to knock Micromind off his feet. The tray really doesn’t look that solid, but I guess it’s all about the force behind it.
Sarah always makes sure to carry her solid steel tray with her for just this reason.
Didn’t they give you those heavy fiberglass trays when you were a kid? That’s what we had. The idea was that they were basically indestructible, but they were really heavy.
Cafeteria-style school lunches aren’t a thing in Australia. Here, most schools might have a canteen (often run on a volunteer basis) to sell food, but indestructible trays aren’t part of the deal.
… and someone at my High School broke one over another kids head in a scene similar to the page above. Never talk s**t about someones parents while in a cafeteria, too many weapons in reaching distance.
It sort of depends on whether she wastes time berating him as he lies on the floor, or spends it more productively by kicking the crap out of him before he can get up.
Can’t she do both? 😉
Multitasking? If she uses extreme physical violence to punctuate her words, it would be the best of all worlds. “YOU (headkick) FILTHY (spleenstomp) WAD (crotchkick) OF (kneebreak) DOG (ribcrack)…” Well, you get the idea. ^^
HEH, bitch had it coming.
I don’t like to say it, because I get very sympathetic towards even my meanest characters, but yeah, he kind of did.
Consider it a learning experience for him. The trauma ***might*** even make him a slightly better person.
That would be the best case scenario, but some times trauma can also make a person worse.
This reminds me of the ‘tray’ scene in the old movie ‘Police Academy’. What a hoot.
Or the one from “Watchmen”, where Rorschach goes medieval on that guy’s ass, complete with boiling oil. What a hoot. 😉
FUCK TO THE YEAH! That was epic best frame yet!
Push someone too far and that meek you thought you could torture turns on you and rip your guts out. Where the punk is the one running for dear life and is brought to cry by the horror of a deer ramming him in the headlights of his mind with righteous fury.
Warms the cockles of my heart.