Hi, everyone! I’m still on vacation, and trying to relax in the midst of a whirlwind of work, construction, real estate and other such idiocy. It’s just as well 6-Commando is on a brief break in all of this. But two weeks and I actually get to take a REAL vacation, from EVERYTHING. Whoo boy.
Anyway, just so you don’t think I’m totally dead, I dug this one out and thought it would be fun to show you as a change of pace. This is one of a series of fake magazine covers I worked up for the endpaper of 6-Commando, back in the days when I thought I was going to print a book. Those plans are on hold more or less indefinitely at this point, but maybe they’ll come back some day. In the meantime, these bits of graphical oddity make fun glimpses of the 6-Commando world, and hell, there are twenty or thirty of them here, so why not?
Hope you’re all keeping it real. See you again Real Soon Now! Promise-promise!
Nicely done replica. Katanga was a breakaway state that proclaimed its independence from the Republic of Congo-Léopoldville on 11 July 1960 under Moise Tshombe, leader of the local CONAKAT (French: Confédération des associations tribales du Katanga) party. The new Katangese government did not enjoy full support throughout the province, especially in the northern Baluba areas. The state is now Katanga Province, part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. [Wikipeadia]
I always like new data on alternates. Where they remain like ours, with only minor changes or become big things to that set of worlds. [Always more than one, remember.]
Glad you are getting some real rest to recharge.
Imagine this as a movie and video game. I can.
I personally think that the best way to handle this crisis is to deploy a self aware robotic super-tank to the region.
… and maybe some atomic weapons. Those never hurt.
Only when they detonate.
I’m reminded of a poster I had as a kid in the late 70’s. Black on yellow from the Office of Civilian Nonsense about things to do in the event of a nuclear accident. It was meant as a parody of the nearly useless “Duck and Cover” practices of the 50’s and 60’s. The last was one was that upon seeing the bright flash of nuclear plant meltdown, to place you head firmly between your knees and kiss your a$$ goodbye. As we have sadly learned since then, the process is more like a runaway train than a fireworks event.
Atomic weapons? Pssh. You should see what we’re keeping in the basem-uh, um, I mean, I can neither confirm nor deny that neutral powers are assembling fusion weapons within their extraterritorial confines in our military base in the middle of a highly weaponized and politically unstable region.
I mean…that would be silly, right?
Now in an unrelated story, I was just talking to my friend about a trip he’s taking to New York to see a ball game, and I was congratulating him on finding such a great place to stay. I mean finding a “right-next-to-the -Yankees” Hotel? Bravo!
Why are you all staring at me? Oh wait, you mean the radio transmitter was switched on this WHOLE TIME? How embarassing! Could this situation get amy MORE awkward?
Hydrogen bombs? Pu-lease. with matter/antimatter triggers and cobalt casing we are talking planet wreckers. One shot takes em all out. Both sides for full annihilation potential. You want to see the atmosphere light up? Ours is the best. One is all you need. Fully tested on a hundred worlds. (Our contact point after Thursday is on Luna, Copernicus crater. Buy Saturday it will be Olympus Mons that will be our permanent location for business.)