Sarah here shows that in at least one area, she has a great deal more sense than Rucker does – she knows when to keep her trap shut. Colonel Haulley is NOT amused.
So, I am sorry about all these on-again, off-again delays, but things are kind of unpredictable for me at the moment. It’s nothing like a crisis, just a lot of things that are taking priority over comics. I’ve explained all this previously, so I’m not rehashing it now, but I do just want to thank everyone who sent me their words of support this past week. Really and honestly, everyone, THANK YOU! It does me a lot of good to know that you not only get some entertainment from this comic, but that you understand that doing this in the independent way that I do, with a really heavy regular job into the bargain, is not easy. So to hear that everyone understands, and also that everyone who has come to this comic reads it in as intelligent and sensitive a way as I could possibly hope for, well – it makes me feel like a success, and that’s really what I’m after. So many of the comics I love have come to unceremonious ends because of a lack of confidence or a change of heart on the part of the artist, or a feeling that they aren’t making a difference or that nobody cares. And it does me a hell of a lot of good to know that you are all sticking with me while I do this, and it makes me want to draw, more than ever.
So, I’m off to bed, to face another week of the same. Again, to everyone, thanks so much! I’ll see you next week – by hook or by crook!
I know your pain, man. I’ve been a bit of a stranger lately, too. New job, new responsibilities and all.
Anyway, nice work on the last few pages. I really enjoyed those technical drawings again and I’m thrilled for more. Further comments on the quality of your work and drawing skills is unnecessary by now. They are superb. Checking for updated 6 Commando every Monday morning is my way to deal with the horror of a new starting work week.
It *really* helps.
Take care!
Well, I mean, it’s still a big help to ME to hear it. So thanks!
No problem. Also, even though I don’t comment much, I’m here every week. Bon courage and thanks for this story!
Thanks for the support! It does get tough from time to time, but I’m slowly making my way through the end of this particular wave at work, so. I’m just glad everyone is so willing to bear with me. It does me a lot of good to know it!
I’m gonna say it again, but I am amazed Rucker hasn’t been shot at this point, or just save the ammo and hurl him out an airlock. The post neuclear world is going to be harsh enough as it is, without the crazy drunk who threatened people with a gun
Well, sometimes you just need a drunken fool of a jerk to send on a suicide mission. Am I right Commander Sjohn Shepard?
I should go.
When the AI controlled monsters are threatening to destroy the human race, you know who to call!
Nyanna Shepard would disagree with you. She survived a grenade in he face on Mindoir and even survived Death itself. Suicide missions imply you don’t expect to sruvive, and my Nyanna kicks death in the balls on a daily basis… and headbutts Krogans in the face
I have… absolutely no idea what you guys are referring to. I’m more out of touch than I thought I was, I guess!
But, yes, I think Tom and Sarah, they’re BOTH in a heap of trouble at this point.
The references are to Mass Effect and our differing versions of the player character Commander Shepard. Ulrich presumably playing a male version of the character and me playing the female version
I finished ME just a few weeks ago.
It has been a life-altering experience and a long trip. Janine Shepard started off as a ruthless, get-the-job done, though loyal to her friends and team bitch, but slowly made the way through her own catharsis culminating into sacrificing herself (but maybe fullfilling her role as a woman in life) by giving birth to a new form of life: The synthesis off sentient machines and organic life. To bad that required for her to die, leaving back many of her friends, including Kaidan Alenko, to whom she stayed true through all the years (the fling with Kelly Chambers doesn’t count).
The renegade turned into a paragon.
Clinton Shepard is a quite different example… where his journey takes him remains to be seen.
For those who didn’t check out the Mass Effect series: Do so now. Bioware still makes the best RPGs out there. Hands done. Ever since Baldurs Gate they totally dominated that field.
Ditto to everything Ulrich said, fantastic game, long playtime, excellent story, and great replay value. When I actually get a little bit of free time, I’m gunna play through all three back to back again. But that’s easily 100+ hours even going fast. And I don’t got that kind of time right now. I feel your pain.
Sarah looks ready to get up out of that bed and break someone.
Man you can just almost feel the anger radiating off of Hauley on this one!
Heh heh heh… and rightfully so! I’ve tried to portray him as a really competent leader dealing with a massive screw-up that got out of hand. He’s tough and very disciplined, and he has a low tolerance for tomfoolery, especially when it’s from his command staff. He’s based in large part on Curtis LeMay – a real hard-ass, but he knows how wars are fought and he’s not afraid to make hard decisions.
Curtis LeMay? Hmm, comparing Curtis LeMay and George Patton, though the latter also was a fierce fighter, is like the legend about the Japanese sword smiths Muramasa and Masamune (a legend because they did not live at the same time), as they were testing one sword of each by dipping them in a stream. While the sword of Muramasa cut everything in it’s path, from leaves to fish, everything floated around the sword of Masamune which would not harm anything innocent.
Curtis LeMay gives me cold chills.
He was a really tough guy. His job was to win the war for the United States, and I think he’s too often misportrayed as a psycho, when he was really just a very hard man. His famous quotation, which I think sums up the entirety of a career spent fighting wars, was “Every soldier thinks something of the moral aspects of what he’s doing, but all war is immoral, and if you let that bother you, you’re not a good soldier. I suppose if I’d lost the war, I’d have been tried as a war criminal.” It’s a sad paradox of human history not only that we produce people like that by our propensity to fight wars of increasing brutality over time, but also that we ultimately need people like him to win them. As I’ve said sometimes, I can’t think of any war that was worth starting, but once started, many are worth winning.
Beautifully work. Lots of emotions and detail in their faces, most of all Sarah’s.
She seems really brittle physiologically but very strong mentally. An impressive woman.
She’s got a lot going on in there, let me tell you. Sarah is a product of her life’s story, and it hasn’t been an easy one. But I won’t say any more… yet.
I’m finally caught up from where I left off. So far everything looks great. I know it’s hard to keep up with a project but I can see you are dedicated.
Thanks, Tiffany! It’s tough going sometimes, but I’m sticking to it. My brother makes fun of me sometimes for taking so long to finish, but what the hell, you know? I’m just plugging along. Until someone gives you and me a million dollars to sit and make comics, that’s the best either of us can do, isn’t it?
Wow, they made Hauley lost his cool… Damn!
That must be an archivement….not the best thing to accomplish though.
I admire your creativity, efford and dedication to the comic. An amazing piece of art all over.
Thats surely appreciated and I dont want you to stop by any means
Yes, he’s a very collected and tough character, but even he has some limits. We all do, I think. And, well… Nuclear war will do that to a person, won’t it?