There’s always something suspicious about unloading tanks with no markings on them under cover of darkness.
I owe everyone a titanic apology for being so unconscionably late with this page. So far, 2018 is turning into the Year of the Workpocalypse, and although I’ve kept up around the edges I’ve been left with very little in me at the end of the day, not to speak of the end of the week. A set of new responsibilities (combined with some moving targets as far as day to day goals are concerned) is really leaving me drained, and so it’s dragging out the end of Chapter 7, here, unnecessarily. So for that, I’m sorry. You guys are all terrific for sticking with me.
Next week is the last page of the chapter. After that, I’m going to take a little formal time off to hopefully tie off some of the responsibilities I’ve taken on, as well as work on some things that look very promising mid-to-long term. As ever, you know that this is NOT the Permanent Vacation, or the “Endless Hiatus,” just a little chance for me to get back up to full operating capacity.
More on that next week, though. For now, though, I’ll leave it here and reiterate how grateful I am to all of you for sticking with it! All the best, everyone.
Like the little green men occupying parts of the Ukraine? No worries about pages going up late. You offer full color pages every week! Hell your entitled to have a few late. Keep up the great work!
Interesting tank design, I really dig the M60A2 style turret.
Why the heck are they doing this? An amphibious assault in the middle of a global atomic war seems kind of stupid, unless there’s something they really, REALLY want to get their hands on…like the UNA’s stash of thermonuclear weapons, perchance?
Bingo! In this universe, the Coalition are the first to be developing thermonuclear weapons in secret and it would be a disaster if the Federation or anyone else retrieves that technology post nuclear exchange.
That tank is really cool, it reminds me of the Halo scorpion. I’m trying to figure out how it works, is the separate section in front the engine? If so then I’d love to see a shot of the mechanical linkage articulating (future stat card?).
This whole page conveys a great sense of something big being underway. I wonder how they’ll fare against Victor, Mike… or both?
Those tanks look AI…
I noticed that there are no crew hatches on the thing. A mini-Mike?
I wonder where they landed, that there was allready a fully operationable base there to take in these new troops. Doubt somehow that they built that from scratch over just a few days, so that base must have had a pretty good defense, or just was lucky to survive the nuclear apocalypse.
Also, that schematic diagram…I am preeetty sure I saw that before on a wikipedia article.
Can understand that they really wanna have their nuclear toys back. After all there is a rogue UNA AI-tank strolling around, as well as unknown Federation units. And as South America was not hit by any nukes (yet) they could surely use these finished fusion bombs as a deterent against any possible attacks by any surviving nuclear powers.
I didn’t catch that the tank had no hatches, nice. That diagram catch is legendary though, if a little obvious in hindsight given the context. I thought it was a video card and should have known that Mr. Average wouldn’t stoop to such levels.
Oh man, please tell these guys aren’t so stupid as to attempt what I think they’re about to attempt.
Thank you for the hard work!
I’m really liking the subdued browns and greys of the CONASUR units, they’re not here to mess around. I guess they’re not fans of camouflage either though, oh well.
But, if they’re coming for the nukes, that means we can get a Mike/Victor tag-team to stop them, right?
Judging by the visor next to main cannon – is it another of those inteligent tanks? If so, does it have its own agenda as well?
Or maybe Victor was just a vanguard, and the cavalry has just arrived? You know considering the destruction of UNA base, a heated “debate” in the warehouse, I guess there might be a splinter in conasur….
*sigh* yeah, I know – neither confirm nor deny.
Is that an articulated tank?
It’s a Quad track.
Articulated, on four set of tracks with a turret modeled on that from late’80s proposed Abrams Block III or Soviet/Russian unmanned turrets from the seme period of time.
And for what kind of reason it is armed with a missile pod? And lacks turret mounted weapons station?