Yeah, we’re definitely not in Kansas anymore. And yet again, Captain DaCosta shows herself to be the level-headed officer they all wish they had listened to in the first place. She and Major Rucker really are on the same wavelength, too – she’s a superb second-in-command for him. She turned out to be a way more useful character than I could have imagined.
Anyway I’m on a deadline this week so forgive me if I just head for the hills at this point. If I’m slow in answering comments this go-round, just know that it’s not ’cause I don’t love ya, but I have a living to earn and a lot of work to finish by Friday.
All the best, everyone!
I approve of this decision.
Which, going for the sidearms?
Hrmmm, red eye; are we sure she’s who she says she is?
*beep* Hi, this is Sarah, I’m not home right now, please leave a message and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. *beep*
I wish I had one of those answering machines myself sometimes.
We’re not even sure if she’s Mike at this point. Red-eyes Mike may or may not be a separate entity…
Granted, this neither confirms nor denies anything, just me being appreciative that you are all so perceptive. So much of the story is these little visual bits and I’m so thrilled when you see them!
Hoo boy. This is getting crazy. Sidenote: I’ve caught up. Internet woes!
Glad you stuck with it! We’re heading towards the halfway point in the story so it’s a good time to catch up.
Let’s all draw guns on each other! GREAT IDEA!
I concur: There has to be a different Entity behind all this. MIKE is just as affected as everyone else, but there seems to be a lot more to it. Just take Sarah’s cure from certain death by radiological exposure for an example…
At least Da Costa is being polite about it. So far.
Oh yeah, we are w-a-y down the rabbithole. What does it say that a nuclear war of at least regional extent is kind of a distraction from the central thrust of the storyline?
I’m reminded of the line from Dr. Strangelove: “Am I to take it, sir, that you are threatening a brother officer with a gun?”
More guns solve every military problem. Nothing can’t be solved with a good shootin’, as they feller says.
It may not be the BEST solution, but it s A solution.
Between this and the FSR officer who seems to know something there is an interesting story afoot about Mr red eye. Or does Evil Mike work better? Bizzaro Mike?
Either will do until the next one comes along, I suppose.
Man being used as an trading card for two players to use as leverage must’n be good. Sara won’t be pleased, for sure.
Hope the, namely, war room doesn’t become the ground for an impromptu stand off
[Muffled “the good, the bad and the ugly” music theme playing in the distance]
Hah! A good ol’ fashioned Mexican Standoff, huh?
ayep! Tho’, Sounds great up ’til the point you have the barrel of the gun pointing at you