Ignore an angry and protective cat at your peril. They are basically nature’s perfect killing machines and they know how to take you down. They know who they like and who they dislike, and they will protect their own. Seen it – seen it many times.
Sorry to be a bit late on this one – I miscalculated on how complex a basic sketch I needed to work from here, and by the time I was caught back up I was literally falling asleep at my desk. But we’re done, now, anyway.
As for me, I’ve got a wild and wacky week ahead of me and I’m going to bed. All the best, folks!
A regular customer at my parents shop was an old 80s-era Green Beret who loved, loved him some cats. One day a fellow veteran was ragging him about it, and asked why he wasn’t a dog person like so many servicemen.
“Well man, a dawg is great, I love dawgs. A good dawg’s about like the Army, it does what you tell it to, likes a show, loves t’make a big ol’ noise, and if y’tell him to he’ll tear a Bad Guy -all- up. Dawgs’re awesome. But cats?! Cats are Nature’s own Special Forces, friggin’ Delta operators with tails, man. Stealthy, sneaky, death-from-the-shadows shit, man, and nobody has to give a cat ten pages of orders- they just go out, do their thing, then come back and you’ll never hear the real stories. And brother…” Here he became very serious. “…anybody thinks a pissed-off cat can’t ruin your whole friggin’ week has got a hard lesson comin’ someday.”
He’s not wrong! Cats are definitely the stealth commandos of the animal kingdom. My own cat plots sneak attacks all the time, even in her advanced age. You can see her doing the calculations on things as she sizes up her surroundings and determines what’s in pouncing-range.
they are wicked tho, and they love to play their prey before actually ending it. That’s probably why we love them, though
I like the Details on the cat. You’re a keen observer of the feline kind.
It will weigh in your favour, once they take control.
Thanks! I, for one, welcome our new Feline overlords…
I had a cat Breezy when I was growing up. She had one eye and was missing some teeth from getting her jaw broken (was hit by a car). She would chase off dogs ten times her size! I personally (at about six years old) watched her chase off a German Sheppard from our front yard. So yes I know that this is a great possibility!
I wager 400 quatloos on the newcomer!
Cats are small but they have a ton of stored energy. They can go from total relaxation to full combat mode in a split second, and they’re not afraid to take on enemies way bigger than they are.
My dad had a cat named Thomas. He was a Himalayan mix, a real big orange puff ball… who would regularly send adult rottweilers to the veterinarian’s office FOR KICKS… clawed or declawed.
Was one mean motherfucker of a cat too.
Don’t think I’ve ever actually seen a domesticated cat going for the throat, at least not of anything bigger than a mice or snake.
Kick ass cat! Post that online next to ‘Cat Rescues Little Boy From Dog Attack’
I just now caught the call back to the Che/Luc shirt from when Victor invaded her mind.
Level 1 commoners beware.
It’s not just commoners.
The first “sidequest” I put in for the freshly-rolled level 1 PCs in a long-ago DnD campaign was getting a cat down from the tree it was stuck on. The ranger horribly botched his very first Handle Animal roll, got clawed in the face, then fell off the tree and ended up at -4 hp. For the rest of his adventuring career (campaign ended around level 15) he NEVER lived that one down.
N-i-c-e kitty.
Getting really worried for Minou now. Luc doesn’t strike me as the kind of guy who has a problem kicking puppies, let alone cats that have just made a rather spirited attempt to kill him…
No kidding. Yeah there’s lots of stories about cats fighting 10x their weight in dogs — but most of the times that ends like when I found half a cat left in the bushes. Dogs can be mean b*stichs too. And as for human beings… well. And anywho, I’d hate for 6-Commando turn into some Honor Harrington/Nimitz wankfest. Minou is pushing the limits of the credible here, I’ve never seen a cat go for a human throat. Eyes yes, throat no. Of course, this IS a memory, and as long as Sarah honestly believes this is what happened (and her opinion could be biased).
No psionic cats, I promise! It’s a pet peeve of mine (vide: Legend of the Propechy Chronicles).
Cool cat! For a minute, I forgot that this was “6-Commando”, not “Sister Claire“.