…or IS he? I’ll wager not.
Got well ahead of the game this week, to the point that I had time to make some edits even after I was well into coloring, which I’m very glad of. Not to say I don’t always strive to do my best on every page, just that, sometimes, with a bit of extra time, I catch things that I might not do otherwise.
It’s funny. No matter how I feel about a drawing I’ve been working on in the moment, I can pretty well guarantee that I’ll feel the opposite within twelve hours. That happened here. Last night, I was convinced I’d totally messed this one up, but by the time I got up this morning, I realized I really was on the right track after all. Goes to show you – if your instinct is to tear the thing up and start over, resist it – in a few hours you might think otherwise.
At any rate, here we are in the year of the Fire Monkey, I’m told. I don’t truck with astrology, but I am partial to monkeys as animals go, so here’s hoping this is an auspicious year. Started out rough, but who knows?
Until next week, folks!
I agree, fellow human! Mike is indeed IRrEL3V4N7!!!
Uh, Major, we think you have the Crazy-Eye…
That’s about the worst case of pink eye I’ve ever seen…..
“Hey, sexy moma… wanna kill all Ivans?”
Oh, I was having the nicest dream. I think you were in it!
Oh shit, we’re getting all Forbidden Planet, secrets of the Id up in this.
Now THAT is a great movie, and WAY ahead of its time! And starring Leslie Nielsen, no less!
I have a bad Feeling about this.
It’s a trap!
…no reward is worth THIS!
Shit just got real!!
So is that mike talking or the red eyed not mike? Or some segment of Mike that is either wandering about or is in her BRAIN!!!!
Sarah talking, the brain thing seems to be a two way street.
Of course I could t possibly comment.
well he has been missing for a while.
…but not forgotten!
So, when can we buy the coffee mug? I assumed that was product placement.
It wasn’t meant to be, but it makes a nice Kickstarter stretch goal, doesn’t it?
Wink wink, nudge nudge, say no more.
It’s a nice thought, but I’m pretty sure the UN symbol is at least a registered trademark, so using a still-recognizable variant of that could get …. awkward.
In the words of Mr. Kruger, “Ohhhhh, I’m not too worried ’bout it.”
I already made UNA pins some time ago and nobody cared. In fact I still have a bunch if anyone wants one.
I’d love to have one.
I do not see this ending well.
Well, we’ll see…
Uh-oh; this does not look good for our heroes.