So first, the page. Self-explanatory. LOADS of fun to draw this week, just a pure joy. I can’t even tell you. I just thoroughly enjoyed myself drawing this week. It was great, and I’m super pleased with the page.
Okay, so now that that’s out of the way, here’s the REAL stuff for the week: we’re having a contest, which I call…
What Movie Is That From?
Yes, by now you all know I’m a huge movie buff, and heck, I can’t help myself, sometimes I throw in a reference from one or the other of my favorite movies. But I fear I’ve let it get out of hand, so much so that even I have lost track of all the film and TV references I’ve made over the past three years. So I need YOUR help to track them down!
Here’s how to play:
1) Reread 6-Commando from the start.
2) Look for film and/or TV references, whether visual or in the dialogue.
3) Write them down, noting the Chapter, Page and Panel in which they appear, and the movie or TV show you think they’re from, and send me an email at mike-one-echo(at)viciousprint(d0t)com by noon on January 1, 2012. For example, if the image at above, here, counted (it doesn’t, by the way, no cheating!), the reference would be “Page X, Panel 1, “Shall We Play A Game” comes from the movie “War Games.” I’ll only be counting the first email I receive from each person, so check yourself before you hit “send.”
That’s all there is to it!
ONE HUNDRED people, selected at random from the qualifying entries who have found at least THREE will get free 6-Commando stickers from me, postage paid!
TWENTY people selected at random from the qualifying entries who have found at least FIVE will get stickers, AND a free, solid nickel-silver United Nations Alliance lapel pin!
THREE people selected at random from the qualifying entries who have found at least EIGHT will get the stickers, the pin, AND will get a cameo appearance in the upcoming Chapter 4 of 6-Commando!
ONE LUCKY PERSON, selected at random from qualifying entries who has found at least TEN will get the stickers, the pin, AND an actual speaking role in Chapter 4 of 6-Commando!
If you have a winning entry but someone else already has the prize, you’ll get the next lowest. Now, isn’t that just cool as all get-out? Don’t you want to play? Of COURSE you do! So get reading, get cracking, and get ready for free stuff!
So now that THAT is out of the way, you can also go over and vote, as well, if you want to see the latest two-page spread. And let me tell you, these two pages are some of my favorite bits of work so far, so please, take a second and cast the vote to see for yourself!
And that’s all for now, folks. In case I should, for some reason, forget it (who knows why?) Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukah to everyone! God bless!
Man, I wonder if the FSR is having problems like this…
anyways, It’s too bad I can’t do the contest cuz I never watch movies
Aww… you could give it a SHOT couldn’t you?
And as a hint to some of you thinking of not playing for this reason, I DO mention some of the references in my blog posts from time to time…
It’ll be quite a challenge, since I get most movies in the dubbed version, but I shall try anyway.
Right you are – I hadn’t thought of that. How anglo-centric of me! To compensate, I’ve lowered the thresholds above – heck, I WANT people to win! So it’s easier to play now, folks! Please do!
(Possible ) references to PC games OK, too?
Oh, don’t think I won’t be re-reading the whole comic, and poring over each page, I just won’t see any references
I am Unable to give it a shot at all. i have never watched a film that would be related, and i dislike them enough to not watch them at all.
Oh well, Working on Air Mobile suit sprites is reward enough.
Also, What sort Of Digging device would they have? Hand held preferalable, or, they could require some sort of Specialised Drone to dig. which would make things very interesting when it comes to Single player campains such as Unmapped Lands, And this would help balence out the fact that they have fully air mobile suits with decent armour, but no way to dig without a ground based digger.
So the short Question is, are there any industiral construction suits used by the Armed forces? For digging and spraying concrete
It’s a good one! Hope you’re going to play! It’s going to be fun, I promise!
Superior but conflicting orders? Do I sense HAL 9000 disease?
Unless it’s Mike.
Daiiiiiiisy… Daiiiisyyyyy… What isss youuuur anserrrr truuuue…
I’m sorry, Conrad. I can’t do that. I’m on a mission from God.
Good lord, now I’m picturing Mike dressed up as a blues brother.
I really like the [Light?] Power Armor design. Not too insanely bulky (big shoulder-pads anyone?), but still looks like it can provide a decent level of protection. I like the details on the gloves and the little extra visor/scanner-thingy on Santellis helmet.
Now here’s the big question: Will we ever see Santellis face? Until now he always had his helmet on.
Background/”fluff” question: Is power armor standard issue for UNA infantry? Or is there a even lighter variant? Or PASGT-style non-powered body armor? Power armor could have it’s limitations afterall (e.g. the need to be powered). We’ve seen the heavy suits in the past, including the really cool medic-kit. I guess there’ll be more varianbts to come, e.g. one for engineers/ techs or combat engineers/ pioneers.
There are about five variants I’ve designed so far, though only two have appeared in the story so far, which are the heavy suit (which is technically a variant of the GPzKpfZ-22, originally designed in Germany, now made in Canada and the United States) and the main battle suit, (the Canadian-made Nordyne Regulator Mk. V, which is what these guys are wearing). There is also the Airmobile Infantry variant, the Special Forces variant, and the Civil Police variant.
I don’t know yet whether I’ll ever show Santelli’s face. If I do, it’ll be for a very good reason.
Oh no, there’s the “t” word! Mike’s taking the political route! “You’ll have to pass the [3,000 page] bill to find out what’s in it” versus “You’ll have to stand down and surrender your weapons before I explain my peaceful plan”.
I’m going to give your contest a shot – so thanks in advance for the extra time you’re going to have to put it to it!
Buy the way, I couldn’t help but notice the many facial features of the colonel and how you’ve had to draw him in multiple panels – yet he looks the same – small, low ears, somewhat wide nose, bald head, and the occasional “oh F^*#” crease upon his brow. Very nicely done!
Also, I’m not trying to butter you up before the contest – trust me!
Trust the Giant Robot Tank Who Just Started An Atomic War.
I don’t think I would want to play THAT game…
Another great moment and page-turner. Talk about irony–I own a large movie collection (well it’s only a little over 1,400, so I’m not sure I could consider it that large–just large enough for me), yet I have only seen about a third of them. Anyway, your contest is a good one; that’s a great idea.
Oh, heck, then you should have no problem with this one. Hope you play!
I just noticed something in today’s page. Two of the Marines (I tend to call any human soldiers in sci-fi Marines, especially if they use powered armour) are wearing what looks like the flag of Imperial Russia on their shoulder pads, the three barred flag with the Romanov Eagal in the corner.
Very true: exiled monarchists!
I got that comment on a Russian message board about a year and a half ago. Before Hilvon sorted out my Russian interpretations, this comic was the source of quite a bit of mirth over there for my horrifyingly bad mangling of the language; one of the commentators happened to notice I had Russian monarchists fighting for the United Nations, and found the idea greatly amusing.
So I stuck with it.
One of the few “whites” who got away when the “reds” won the post-WWI revolution.
The cast description does mention that Santelli’s company is partly comprised of Russian exiles.